Friday 19 August 2011

starving kids.

Here are some pictures of kids who are malnorished, with not enough food to get through the day.


Stop Hunger !

This Link shows what other organizations have done! You can do the same!

More reasons to stop world hunger.

Hunger can cause:
Chronic hunger and malnutrition can cause significant health problems. People who go hungry all the time are likely to be underweight, weighing significantly less than an average person of their size. Their growth may also be stunted, making them much shorter than average. (Of course, people can also be underweight or short because of an illness or their genetic makeup.) Worldwide, as many as 27% of children younger than age 5 are underweight.

Solutions to help you help the world.

  • Plan out meals weekly – Perishables picked up without a meal plan can go bad before you have a chance to use them. If you plan meals out between shopping trips, you’ll buy only the perishables you need.

  • Don’t prepare too much food – Scale down recipes to ensure you only make what you need.

  • Reuse leftovers - A lot of what gets thrown out from the frig is leftovers. If you’re not going to reuse it within a couple of days, freeze it.

  • Become a diner – I’ve been known to utter the phrase “This isn’t mom’s diner. I make one meal and you get what you get,” quite a few times in the past. I’ve learned to modify that. I’ll be a diner if someone is willing to eat leftovers. If I’m making salmon, my six-year-old’s world seems as if it’s ending. I’ve learned this is a perfect time to use leftovers. I offer him some leftover chicken or pasta in place of the salmon.

  • Share – After a big party send home leftovers with guests or offer food to neighbours the day after. Put together a plate with leftovers after dinner for a single or elderly neighbour. Donate those canned goods you bought for a casserole but never made to a food pantry before their expiration date arrives. There are tons of ways you can share instead of waste food.

  • Know what you’ve got – Put food in clear containers in the frig so you can see what you’ve got.

  • Doggie bag it – If you eat out, take your own containers for a doggie bag and bring home your leftovers. Then actually eat them.

  • Grow you own – I can guarantee you that not one tomato, pepper or herb from my garden has gone to waste this summer. It’s a lot of hard work to grow them, and I’m not about to throw that hard work in the trash.

  • Be truthful with yourself – You may have the best intentions in the world to cook a healthy dinner every night, but don’t buy a week’s worth of food if in reality you know you’re going to end up picking up take out or eating out a couple of times each week. Shop for who you really are, not for who you want to be.

  • These simple steps can help stop world hunger. By sending left over foods to needy people where the people there lack proper food, we would be 1 step closer to stopping world hunger.

    Reasons that causes malnutrition and hunger in the world.

    The WORLD produces ENOUGH food for EVERYBODY.

    However, there are still people in the world who has not even enough food for a proper meal... why is this so?

    Well the simplest answer is,

    Uneven distribution of food

    In layman terms this actually means, people who are rich take too much food, while people who are less fortunate, sadly, do not get anything to eat.

    Food nowadays is something that is taken for granted by alot of people, some people and companies are even destroying food! Just for the sake of keeping the value of that particular food item, you destroy it, is't that being abit too selfish?

    Here is a chart that shows how much food gets wasted.

    Causes Of Hunger!

    People who don't get enough food often experience hunger, and hunger can lead to malnutrition over the long term. But someone can become malnourished for reasons that have nothing to do with hunger. Even people who have plenty to eat may be malnourished if they don't eat food that provides the right nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.
    Some diseases and conditions prevent people from digesting or absorbing their food properly. For example:
    • Someone with celiac disease has intestinal problems that are triggered by a protein called gluten, which is found in wheat, rye, and barley.
    • Kids with cystic fibrosis have trouble absorbing nutrients because the disease affects the pancreas, an organ that normally produces enzymes necessary for digestion.
    • Kids who are lactose intolerant have difficulty digesting milk and other dairy products. By avoiding dairy products, they're at higher risk of malnutrition because milk and dairy products provide 75% of the calcium in America's food supply.
    Someone who doesn't get enough of one specific nutrient has a nutritional deficiency, a form of malnutrition (although it doesn't necessarily mean the person will become seriously ill). The most common form of malnutrition in the world is iron deficiency, which can lead to anemia. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that as many 2 billion people worldwide don't have enough iron (which is found in foods like red meat, egg yolks, and fortified flour, bread, and cereals) in their diets

    Credits to:


    Hunger is a term which has three meanings (Oxford English Dictionary 1971)
    • the uneasy or painful sensation caused by want of food; craving appetite. Also the exhausted condition caused by want of food
    • the want or scarcity of food in a country
    • a strong desire or craving
    Thus the lack of food will lead to the the malnutrition, that will lead to problems unimaginable.

    This blog will give you all the reasons and the facts on why world hunger should be stopped.